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Lynne Waters has outdone herself with  her heartfelt work STILLNESS OF SPIRIT, an  extraordinary book of passion and humanity.  Her reflective writings paired with inspirational paintings by Lynne give comfort to the soul.  


Litfire Publishing has recently recommended and endorsed STILLNESS OF SPIRIT for the Eric Hoffer Award in the category of art.  Each entry of the book will not only quality for the category award, but also other awards, including the Da Vinci Award for books with superior cover artwork.  


The Eric Hoffer grand prize is the highest distinction awared each year in literary excellence.  


​See below for a sample:

Pray Excerpt.jpg

STILLNESS OF SPIRIT is available for purchase at:


Barnes and Noble (Click Here)

​ (Click Here)



......or you may purchase an autographed copy directly from Lynne by contacting her from the CONTACT PAGE


If purchased through Lynne, Stillness of Spirit regularly sells for $16.95 and is on sale for $15.26 plus shipping and handling.  

Total per unit within the United States:  $20.00


A GREAT gift idea!!!


Lynne accepts Zelle and Venmo

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